How do N~Leaders plan?
The first point of any plan is to take the temperature of one’s humility. Social posturing without execution is arrogance. Self-debasing without repentance is just another form of arrogance. Neither vocal calls for change nor private self-bashing will lead to any amount of change in one’s life without humility. An N~leader must take a measure of their humility. Without humility, no change will happen.
Second, N~leaders must be honest with themselves. Honesty is still the best policy. We’ve all met people who are vocal about their need to change, but in reality will never put meaningful effort to execute the changes they boast about. I have a real estate friend who offers the promise that he will be brutally honest with his clients. I don’t know how brutal, but I appreciate his candor to be upfront and not obfuscate. N~leaders must be honest with themselves before any change can happen.
The third is probably the hardest. N~leaders have to be holy. I say it this way because many of my readers are religious, but holiness really applies to anyone. I remember going to an interview in Shanghai, China many years ago. I was interviewing with a fairly famous children’s learning company. They sold electronic products for very young children to learn ABCs and 123s. The manager that interviewed me had not quite a creepy vibe, but definitely a dishonest one. I wasn’t comfortable for the whole interview because here’s what happened. Instead of asking questions about my skills sets, education, and experience, the manager pummeled me with questions about the Chinese market, schools, and anything information he could use to benefit himself. I walked away feeling a little used. He wasn't really hiring, just researching the market.
Hebrews 12:4 says Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.
Perhaps you are not religious in any way, but you know the effect of someone doing the right thing in the way for the right reason at the right time. N~leaders plan with a humble temperature of themselves, an honest look at their situation, and holy outlook on what they plan to do.